Meeting you where you are, Guiding you to a healthier you


Craniosacral therapy is an effective light touch somatic therapy which originates from Osteopathy.

Through gentle manipulation of the bones of the pelvis, spine, and skull, the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid which supports the Central Nervous System can be normalised. And with it comes the elimination of blockages that disrupt the normal flow, thus enhancing the body's ability to self-heal.

This somatic therapy can effectively release emotional and physical trauma stored in the body that can manifest in all sorts of symptoms.

Cécile offers intra oral mouth work for TMJ dysfunctions.

Craniosacral therapy can help alleviate the symptoms of:

Back pain, stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, neck pain, asthma, insomnia, headaches, Jaw/TMJ dysfunctions, neuralgia, tinnitus, disorders of the central nervous system, trauma or PTSD, grief, ADD/ADHD, learning difficulties, scoliosis, difficulty with coordination, movement or walking, tension, brain and spinal injuries, including concussion or traumatic brain injury, bed wetting for kids and many other conditions.


Cécile calls on a diverse range of bodywork, massage therapy and relaxation modalities to release tensions in the muscles, connective tissues, fascia, as emotional tensions.

She uses her decade experience of treating patients and developing her unique method. Bodywork is an effective pain relief for various issues including injuries, stress, or chronic conditions. Bodywork can be highly effective to improve flexibility and mobility, reduce stress, improve circulation and enhance the immune system function. It can also stimulate the lymphatic system, improve posture and body awareness, help with injury prevention and recovery, and boost emotional well-being.


The Myofascial Cupping technique provides profound benefits, particularly in supporting the body in maintaining a healthy range of motion.

It does this by eliminating Myofascial trigger points and reducing restrictive and sometimes painful fascial adhesions commonly found from repetitive movement.

By reducing fascial adhesions, while encouraging optimal hydration levels of soft tissue, Myofascial Cupping can assist in reducing the incidence of injury and maintaining functional soft tissue. It helps with the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, neck, shoulder, lower back pain, scar tissues from injuries, scars from surgeries, scarring from burns.

There is no other massage technique that effectively lifts and separates soft tissue. Results are quick and effective, and this technique can create positive change in soft tissue in a short time.

Red | nir light therapy

Regenerate and rejuvenate on a cellular level with the most effective clinical Red | Near Infra Red light therapy on the market.

Led light therapy has been shown to offer many benefits:

from relieving minor aches and pains to improving skin quality through collagen production to helping ease side effects of traumatic brain injuries.

Light therapy can be used during your treatment and is included in the price of the session.


  • Stimulates stem cells in the hair follicle to encourage active growth


  • Generates production of collagen

  • Increased tissue repair

  • Reduction in appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars


  • Stimulates collagen production

  • Strengthens hair and improves skin elasticity

  • Promotes connective tissue health


  • Dilates blood vessels for increased flow

  • Protects red blood cells and platelets


  • Accelerates muscle repair

  • Stimulates mitochondria and stem cells for faster recovery


  • Soothes sore muscles, joint pain, and arthritis

  • Eases symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries


  • Increases testosterone production

  • May stimulate the brain's pineal gland


  • Eases joint stiffness and soreness

  • Diminishes inflammation

  • Reduces muscle spasms and increases blood flow

Book a Session

Sessions are always customised to meet patients’ needs on the day.

For our first session together, it is recommended to book 90min or 120min . We will go through your medical history and assess your needs when we meet.